About the Subfund

A sub-fund of a defined date within the meaning of the Employee Capital Plans Act (PPK). The aim of the Sub-fund is to increase the value of its assets as a result of an increase in the value of investments.

By 31 December 2024, the total value of investments of PKO Pension 2045 allocated as part of the debt component ranges between 30% and 60% and, as part of the share, from 40% to 70% of the value of the sub-fund's assets. According to the life-cycle concept, the proportion of share and debt component will be subject to change as soon as 2045 is approaching, in accordance with the schedule indicated in the Fund's statute. With a view to gradually reducing the investment risk, the closer we are to the model of the investor's pensionable age fixed by 2045, the smaller the division of the share in the sub-fund's portfolio. The sub-fund is actively managed.

The PKO Pension 2045 is addressed to participants of the PPK who were born between 1983 and 1987.

Investing involves risk. Please read KID  and the Fund's Prospectus before making an investment. The historical performance presented is not a guarantee for similar investment results in the future. The full content of the legal note.
